Libb Grover
Live Wires
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Libb Grover

Libb Grover lives in Central Wellington. At heart she is just an ordinary New Zealander who loves art, history and writing. This led her to her love of collating and restoring things from the past. Such things as old stamps, old posters old advertisements old photographs etc.

With Ra Ra Reprographics she seeks to give people the chance to admire these old time images. But not just admire, to really feel a connection to the past and what has gone before. To realize that by acknowledging our past we can move forward in our lives.

Art she believes has a unique way of doing this it can tell us a story about what society was like at a certain time in history. It can enable us as New Zealanders to start thinking, imagining and creating a story about life here in the 1920s 1930s or earlier. Ultimately it can give us all a sense of belonging. Its this story that Ra Ra Reprographics wants to give to us.

This is a first collection by Ra Ra Reprographics

Live Wires have worked with Libb to release 6 card designs reproduced from original Postage Stamps, printed in New Zealand on FSC certified paper board. Available now for pre-order.

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